A Nesting Site Analysis of the Red-crowned Crane in the Kushiro Wetland Using GIS

Katsuto NAKAGAWA, Emi ANDO, Hiroshi MURAKAMI, Masao KANAI, Ryozo ONOZUKA, Masayoshi MAEJIMA, Masaharu TSUZAWA, Noboru OBARA, Masataka OTA and Kiyotaka MURAOKA


1. Introduction
2. Study area, methodology and data sets used
  2.1 Study area
  2.2 Methodology
  2.3 Used data and their accuracy
3. Analysis
  3.1 The spatial relation among nesting sites
  3.2 Wetland and nesting sites
  3.3 River network and nesting sites
  3.4 Road network and nesting sites
  3.5 Houses and nesting sites
  3.6 Change of land cover in the Kushiro Wetland
  3.7 National Park and nesting sites
4. Identification of potential nesting sites in the Kushiro Wetland
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Acknowledgements