Bulletin of the GSI (Vol.60)

Kazushige KAWASE


 Although the set of Gauss-Krüger projection formulae recognized and used worldwide thus far is “the 2nd formulae”, which is limited to use within certain longitudinal zones, the recently discovered usefulness of “the 1st formulae”, which can be applied to extensive areas on the globe, has been understood from a new perspective. The formulae are favorable in view of the modern computer environment, in which they are of importance for recognizing details comprehensively, not only in the discipline of survey and mapping but also in geospatial information management. In this paper, I try to elaborate a comprehensive derivation of these formulae, including those for meridian convergence and scale factor, so that anyone interested in geospatial information management can understand them with minimum background knowledge.


1. Introduction

2. Displaying step action flow for conversion

3. Displaying all the extensive coordinate conversion formulae in the Gauss-Krüger projection

4. Explanation of the derivation of each formula

5. Concluding remarks


Tomokazu Kobayashi, Mikio Tobita, Akira Suzuki and Yuko Noguchi


 An inland crustal earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 that occurred in the southeast of Iran on December 20, 2010 ruptured an unknown fault at depth. Applying interferometric SAR (InSAR) analysis using ALOS/PALSAR data to the earthquake, we detected the coseismic signal from both ascending orbit interferogram of fine beam mode and descending orbit interferogram of ScanSAR mode. Our preferred fault model, assuming a rectangular fault with a uniform slip, shows a nearly pure dextral fault motion with NE-SW-oriented strike. The estimated moment magnitude is 6.6. The fault of the mainshock is on the southern extension of the Kahurak fault, suggesting that the causative fault of this event is probably the identical fault system to the Kahurak fault.


1. Introduction

2. SAR Data Analysis

3. Coseismic displacement map by InSAR

4. Fault model

5. Crustal deformation after the mainshock

6. Relationship with the background strain rate field and the surrounding fault system

7. Concluding remarks



Hiroyuki HASEGAWA and Noburo ISHIYAMA


 The Digital Maps (Basic Geospatial Information) published since the end of July 2012 are integrated geospatial information summarizing Japan’s basic land information including map information such as political and administrative districts, roads, railroads, buildings, residential area names, altitude, etc. This information is updated on a nonscheduled basis and the revised version is published. Moreover, with the use of a Geographic Information System (GIS), the user can choose to display only the necessary information, or layer the map data over other information. This paper describes the data items of Digital Maps and the basic concept of data integration.


1. Advisory Committee on Digital Japan Basic Maps

 1.1 Background

 1.2 Feedback on The Digital Japan Basic Maps from Users

 1.3 Directions in Digital Japan Basic Map Improvement

2. Basic Concept of the Digital Maps (Basic Geospatial Information) Data Items and Integration

 2.1 Data Items

  2.1.1 Map Information

  2.1.2 Grid Elevation Information

  2.1.3 Place Name Information

  2.1.4 Accompanying information

 2.2 Publication Unit, etc.

3. Summarys


Hiroyuki OHNO, Tomoko SUZUKI and Noburo ISHIYAMA


 The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan [formerly the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan] (GSI) began the publication of Digital Maps (Basic Geospatial Information) on July 30, 2012 as a survey result of vector data mainly composed of ‘Digital Japan Basic Maps', the data sets of maximum-scale geospatial data covering the whole of Japan. Since Digital Maps (Basic Geospatial Information) are basically provided online, they can offer new information on a daily basis as a result of surveys that reflect major changes to the land, compared to traditional survey results. However, it is necessary to use special software in order to utilize Digital Maps (Basic Geospatial Information) as map data. So the online publishing of 'Digital Topographic Map 25000' (hereinafter referred to as 'Digital Topographic Map') began on August 30 2012 so that map information that immediately reflects major changes to the land can be used more conveniently as a survey result in a raster image file format on a 1:25,000 scale level. Using this Digital Topographic Map, maps can be created that optimize the benefits of online publication by selecting the display range and size, as well as some display colors of map symbols and representations according to the intended use of the purchasers. Another feature is the ability to always provide the latest version of map images, as the images are generated from the Digital Japan Basic Map of Japan database as soon as the order is received from the purchaser, rather than from archived images. This paper presents the concept and specifications of the 'Digital Topographic Map' as the new survey result, and an overview of the content of the development of the system being provided.


1. Introduction

2. Digital Topographic Map

 2.1 Digital Topographic Map Concept

 2.2 Digital Topographic Map Specifications

  2.2.1 Borders and Marginal Information

  2.2.2 Map Projection

  2.2.3 Map Information Level and Road/Rail Center Lines

  2.2.4 Map Symbols

3. Developing a Digital Topographic Map Generating System

 3.1 Development Policy

 3.2 New Topographic Map Information System (NTIS)

 3.3 Layers

 3.4 Rendering Order

 3.5 Components of the Digital Topographic Map Generating System

  3.5.1 Intermediate Format File (Map File)

  3.5.2 Map Image Generating Engine

4. Digital Topographic Map Generating System Operating and Publication Process

 4.1 Creating Intermediate Files for Faster Image Generation

 4.2 Input of Image Generating Parameters

 4.3 Digital Topographic Map Image Generation

5. Conclusion
